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July 13th 2024 Stated Meeting Minutes

The July 13th 2024 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California opened upon the book of psalms, page 759 of our Bible.

Lodge was opened at 10:07AM upon the first degree of Masonry, in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business.

Master: Raymond E. Hill PM

Sr. Warden: Kevin Herrick PM

Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow

Treasurer: John Densem PM

Secretary: Loren McKechnie

Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM

Sr. Deacon: Brian Vanderpool

Jr. Deacon: Chris

Sr. Steward: Charles Hewitt

Jr. Steward: Jessi Rodriquez

Tyler: Jim Riley

Organist: Robert Wilson PM



Hall Association Report:

Worshipful Kevin Herrick informed the Master of our need to form a work party, to enclose the foundation skirt of our building, investigate a bird nest in the southern wall, and clean the gutters which are growing some weeds. The Topic of the Accessory Dwelling Unit was addressed again as a long term solution for income to the Lodge, as well as the bathroom remodel, and the ADA access requirements and modifications we might perform on the front, back, or side entrances. Grand Lodge was contacted, and they will be advising.

Grave Site Cleanup: It was noted, that a grassland wildfire went through the property which holds the Graveyard, and the tall grass, is no longer so tall making access easier. The proposed date for righting and truing up the obelisk is October 19th 2024


It was noted, that the candidate Mr. Jacob Reed Radcliff of Hollister Ca. may be retracting his application, seeking possibly to receive the degrees in another lodge.


Dues Increase Validation In December 2022 Worshipful Kevin Herrick, proposed that the lodge adopt an amendment to our bylaws, that would increase the dues to Per-Capita + 50, rounded to the next highest $20, so that the amount would not change each year, and also would be a rounded full dollar number, rather than the $115.50 (50 Cents) as today.

A reaffirmation vote will be held at the August stated meeting. Once Reaffirmed by vote, Grand Lodge can proceed, so our 2025 dues as assessed by Grand Lodge in iMember, will reflect the will and pleasure of the Brothers of Texas Lodge.

Breakfast Proceeds were $224.  A Costco bill for $90.71 was submitted to reimburse Brother Brian Vanderpool for the supplies he procured for our nourishment. Thus, the fund raiser proceeds from Breakfast is $133.29

Pancake Breakfast Planning: The brethren planning the breakfast have concluded all necessary preparations, and a flyer has been designed.


RE: Masons for Mitts  Brother Jeff Buck shared that program had raised $286K last year, and that they would be auctioning off a special mitt, signed by the Grand Master.


The Lodge was closed in due form at 12:01PM, peace and harmony prevailing.

Respectfully Submitted,


Loren George McKechnie

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California


Richard Bartlett, Worshipful Master