The December 9th 2023 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California was opened upon the 517th page of our Bible (First Book of Kings), on the first degree of Masonry in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business & Hiram Award and Installation of 2024 Officers. It was one of the longest meetings on record, for THE MOST OUTSTANDING LODGE, PERIOD!
This Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons opened at 10:20AM with Worshipful Brother Kevin Herrick PM in the East, Worshipful Brother Richard Bartlett in the West, and Worshipful Brother Raymond E. Hill IVth in the South. Other officers, members, and visitors present are recorded in the Tiler’s register. Treasurer John Densem, Secretary Loren McKechnie, Chaplain Ray E. Hill IVth, Sr. Deacon Robert Robbins PM, Jr. Deacon Charles E. Baylacq, Marshal Jack Swallow, Sr. Steward John Diemas, Jr. Steward Jesse Rodriguez, Tyler Charles Hewitt, Organist Robert Wilson PM.
The following Six Brethren from Confidence Lodge # 110 were in residence, to retrieve their “Traveling Gavel” and return ours. Douglas Ernodi, Michael Baba, Peter Cardilla PM, Craig Peterson, Fassio Elder, and Adam Beber. The Master Peter Cardilla PM offered the Master of Texas Lodge a holiday bottle of coquito as a gift. There were some jokes as to the ingredients exchanges, so I will provide the official ingredients below.
Coquito is a traditional Puerto Rican holiday drink that’s made with coconut milk, rum, and spices. The name translates to “little coconut” in Spanish.
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the master, followed by the singing of the National Anthem.
- Minutes from the November Stated Meeting were read and approved, with one amendment. The previous meeting minutes recorded the amount of our gift and “pass the hat” proceeds to the “Adopt a Senior program, of the Santa Clara County’ as being $533, and BJ McCuiston updated us that the final gift amount sent was $635.
The charity committee voted privately to remit the dues of 2 Master Masons residing in the Masonic Home.
- As, we received the application for affiliation from Brother Jeffrey Buck of Ban Benito #211 last month, in this December meeting, he was voted upon, and was made a Brother Master Mason by unanimous secret ballot.
We await a Hall Association Report on the following topics.
Items to address:
- The roof leak in the kitchen near the stairway
- Brethren seek a report on the replacement griddle project.
The Hall association elected the following Directors, to serve as follows
STATUS AS OF 1/2023:
Raymond E. Hill PM – 3 years 12/31/2025
John Densem – 3 years 2 more years term expires 12/31/2025
Chuck Baylacq – 2 more years 1 more year. Term expires 12/31/2024
Jack Swallow – 2 years 1 more year term, expires Dec 31, 2024
Kevin Herrick PM – ex officio replaced by Ray Hill, now ex officio
Rick Bartlett PM – ex officio remains ex officio
Breakfast proceeds today were, $426, with the entire dining room filled to the brim. Bills for $24.78 were submitted by the Stewards, but more bills are expected.
The Master requested assistance from the Brethren of Texas Lodge, that they might leverage their skilled hands, and tools on behalf of a Fellow Brother. The Master asked who might be able to install a sink, install a new gas heater, and add some deadbolts and locks. Half a dozen Brothers stepped forward, and offered their assistance to a Brother who’s hands might not be as skilled as those of the collective.
At 11:10AM, the Lodge was called to refreshment, and opened to the public who enjoyed the Presentation of an educational presentation on Astrology of the December Sky and the Star of Bethlehem, presentation of a Hiram award, and an Installation of officers for the 2024 Masonic Year.
Mrs. Carolyn Perkins, made a presentation to the Lodge on the topic of Astrology, and the Star of Bethlehem. She explained its importance to marking the time of the birth of Christ and our celebration of Christmas. (Presentation Link)
The Master Kevin Herrick presented: A STATE OF THE LODGE REPORT for 2023
Highlights were as follows
Poker night fundraising
A Grave discovery. In the Lodge yard lot
A voyage of discovery to Volcano
Replacement of the flag of questionable origin (Made in China)
Toured the Masonic Home and visited Hans
midsummer St John with Pizza oven
Grand Lodge to present legislation –a Resolution to make it easier to allow
seniors to attend our degrees
Gun shoot day
Issued communist party pins
Official visit to Escurial Lodge Virginia City, Seminoff Lodge, and San Benito
Lodge, and to Confidence Lodge where we stole their Gavel
Brothers Hewitt and Vanderpool Began the Garage Lodge tradition and exported
it to southern California
Annual Pancake breakfast
Chuck– energy scan of the lodge and discovered a singular energy in the altar
3 brothers initiated – John Phillips, Jose Salas, and Isaac Steinman, and 2 brothers
raised to the sublime degree – James Caldwell and Scott Sorensen
brothers Lochner, Egger and Bishop laid down their working tools, never to be
Past Master’s Day honoring the contribution of the Texas Pillars
35 year pin
50-year recognitions for Reb and Lawrence
60-year recognition for Rob. I’ve never witnessed before, so we fabricated our own jewel
First year in recent history we had an Organist
Brother Steven Marshall was presented the Hiram Award for his dedication to the craft, and his most exemplary service to his Lodge. The Master expounded upon his dedication and embodiment of all the best virtues of a Freemason, and the selfless dedication to those in need. His acceptance speech is below.
The 2024 Installation of officers, was masterfully performed by Robert Wilson PM as Installing Officer and Reb Monaco PM as Master of Ceremonies.
- The Calendar was discussed and can be found online here:
- The Trestleboard is also to be found under the NEWS section of the website
The Lodge was closed in due form at 2:20PM, peace and harmony prevailing.

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California
Kevin Herrick, Worshipful Master