The January 11th 2025 Stated Meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California opened upon the book of Psalms page 827 of our Bible.
Lodge was opened at 10:20AM upon the first degree of Masonry, for the transaction of business and the conferral of the 1st degree of Masonry. The Brethren Pledged allegiance to the flag of our great nation.
Master: Raymond E. Hill IV PM
Sr. Warden: Kevin Herrick PM
Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow
Secretary: Loren George McKechnie
Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM
Marshal: Charles Hewitt
Sr. Deacon: Brian Vanderpool
Jr. Deacon: Charles Baylacq
Sr. Steward: John Phillips
Jr. Steward: Jesse Rodriguez
Tyler: Jessie “JD” Dimas
- The December Minutes were read and approved.
Jessie Dimas “JD” of Sen Benito Lodge #211, has applied for membership in this lodge. His affiliation will be voted upon, at February stated meeting.
$1,000 Anonymous Donation. A Past Master of this lodge, with a long history came to our financial aid, after hearing of our shortfalls. He discreetly handed the secretary $1K in cash, and asked to help out the Lodge, but to remain anonymous. This benevolence is exactly the type of charity, that has kept Texas Lodge no.46 F&AM alive through tough times, since 1853. Thank you Anonymous Worshipful Brother!
Breakfast Proceeds were $213, no food receipts for reimbursement were submitted.
The lodge was called to refreshment at 11:12AM and then a knock was heard at the door.
The following officers will e installed at the next stated meeting.
Sr. Warden: Kevin Herrick PM (To be installed)
Treasurer: John Densem PM (To be installed)
The Lodge Audit will be performed following the February Stated Meeting
The following Brothers were Appointed to the Following Committees
Executive Committee: Master, Wardens
Audit Committee: Jessie Rodriguez, Kevin Herrick PM, John Phillips
Membership Retention: Charles Hewitt, Brian Vanderpool
Charity: Jim Riley, Scott Sorensen, Reb Monaco PM
Hall Rent Increase
Kevin Herrick offered the Hall Association report on the cashflows and budgets. The to increase Lodge room rent, from $3,600 per year, to $5K per year would assist in paying the bills and increased utilities. The property insurance premium has also increased, and the Hall must remain solvent.
- The Calendar was discussed and can be found online here:
- The Trestle board is also to be found under the NEWS section of the website
The Lodge was called again to labor on the 1st degree at 12:16pm. And at 12:25pm closed in due form, peace and harmony prevailing.
Respectfully Submitted,
Loren George McKechnie
Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California
Raymond E. Hill IV
Worshipful Master