The November 9th 2024 Stated Meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California opened upon the book of Chronicles, page 639 of our Bible.
Lodge was opened at 10:14AM upon the first degree of Masonry, for the transaction of business. The Brethren Pledged allegiance to the flag of our great nation, and sung the national anthem.
Master: Richard Bartlett PM
Sr. Warden: Raymond E. Hill IV PM
Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow
Treasurer: John Densem PM
Secretary: Loren George McKechnie
Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM
Sr. Deacon: Robert Robbins PM
Jr. Deacon: Charles Baylacq
Sr. Steward: Charles Hewitt
Jr. Steward: Jesse Rodriquez
Tyler: Jessie “JD” Dimas
- The October 2024 Stated Meeting, were read and approved. The September Stated Meeting minutes were still in progress by Worshipful Kevin Herrick PM and will be read at the December Meeting.
Hall Association Report:
ADA Accessibility of the Lodge is bring reviewed and investigated, a survey of the building, and .
Treasurer Report:
The Lodge Checking $36,677 of which $33,147 is earmarked for the building restoration, leaving an operating balance of $3,530 for normal lodge operations.
Billy Gene Bowens Jr. was elected unanimously to become a Brother of Texas Lodge no.46 F&AM.
Breakfast Proceeds were $275, no food receipts for reimbursement were submitted.
Dues Fees are being sent to you, and DUE NOW
Charles Baylacq presented a 50 Year Pin, to the Secretary, he had purchased from an antique store in town, they wanted it to be returned to the Freemasons.
The following officers were elected to serve Texas Lodge no.46 for the Ensuing 2025 Year
Master: Raymond E. Hill IV PM
Sr. Warden: Kevin Herrick PM
Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow
Treasurer: John Densem PM
Secretary: Loren George McKechnie
Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM
Sr. Deacon: Robert Robbins PM
Jr. Deacon: Charles Baylacq
Sr. Steward: Charles Hewitt
Jr. Steward: Jesse Rodriquez
Tyler: Jessie “JD” Dimas
Organist: Robert Wilson PM
The following were elected to the Board Of Trustees for the Masonic Hall Association.
3 Year Terms: Jack Swallow & Robert Robbins
Grand Lodge Informed us that the following resolutions were voted upon at the 175th Annual communication.
- FAIL (Allows for plain language text ritual that does not include the secrets of Masonry.)
- FAIL (Requires submission of Grand Lodge Officer nominations and biographical sketches at least six days prior to Annual Communication)
The Lodge was called up, and a moment of silence was observed.
Almighty Father, into Thy hands we commend the soul of our beloved Worshipful Brother James Rodney Schermerhorn, who laid down his earthly working tools, on November 2nd 2024. He was 98 and 1/2 years old.
Secretary McKechnie, recounted his Worshipful Schermerhorn’s Masonic Achievements from the past 65 years as a Master Mason, the many offices he held at San Benito #211 and Texas No. 46 ,and said a few words of gratitude for the time he spent with Brother Schermerhorn while learning his 3rd degree work.
- The Calendar was discussed and can be found online here:
- The Trestle board is also to be found under the NEWS section of the website
The Lodge was closed in due form at 11:45PM, peace and harmony prevailing.
Respectfully Submitted,
Loren George McKechnie
Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California
Richard Bartlett
Worshipful Master