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August 10th 2024 Stated Meeting

The August 10th 2024 Stated Meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California opened upon the book of psalms, page 767 of our Bible.

Lodge was opened at 10:07AM upon the first degree of Masonry, in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business.

Master: Richard Bartlett PM

Sr. Warden: Kevin Herrick PM

Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow

Treasurer: John Densem PM

Secretary: Loren McKechnie

Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM

Sr. Deacon: Brian Vanderpool

Jr. Deacon: Charles Baylacq

Sr. Steward: Charles Hewitt

Jr. Steward: Jesse Rodriquez

Tyler: Jessie Diemas “JD”

Organist: Robert Wilson PM



Hall Association Report:

A verbal report was offered from the Hall Association. Detail on the Building Under Skirt project were furnished, and additional work is planned. Great thanks to brother Joe Bowman was given for his generosity and support of the Lodge with his donations.

A letter of understanding, was drafted and will be delivered to our neighbor, reminding them that no recorded or implied easements formalize their use of our “back yard”. This courteously is offered  for loading and unloading only, not to use our back yard, as a parking lot, and this favor is revokable at any time.

ADA Accessibility of the Lodge is bring reviewed and investigated.

Treasurer Report:

The Hall Association bank balance is ~$1,700

The Lodge Checking ~$6,928

Earmarked Building Restoration Fund ~$32K

It was noted that Sage Intacct software, may be replaced with Grand-View- to handle Lodge accounting in connection w/ Grand Lodge.


It was noted, that the candidate Mr. Jacob Reed Radcliff of Hollister Ca. may be retracting his application, seeking possibly to receive the degrees in another lodge.


Breakfast Proceeds were $495, with receipts for reimbursement $133.34 for a NET donation of $361.66

Reaffirmation of Dues Change:
Worshipful Kevin’s proposal to increase dues (Detailed Below) was once again voted upon today, and approved unanimously by the Brethren of Texas Lodge no.46.

As you may recall, the Brethren of Texas Lodge voted on 10/10/2022 to increase dues to whatever Grand Lodge sets “Per Capita” + a set fee. But the amendment was not received or implemented by Grand Lodge. They requested a re-affirmation vote, which was proposed in the July 2024 Sated Meeting Minutes, and the brethren notified.

Details of the approved amendment.

This is detailed in Section 2.

“The dues of each member of this Lodge shall be the sum of $50, plus the Per Capita sum approved by Grand Lodge at the immediately preceding Annual Communication, with the total thus determined rounded up to the next higher whole multiple of $20, per annum, payable in advance on the first day of January. “




Chris Furtado of Hollister Lodge, is requesting a RSVP for their Grand Master Visit PRIME RIB Dinner, to be held at their October Stated Meeting. (Please RSVP by October 1st)

The Lodge was closed in due form at 11:14PM, peace and harmony prevailing.

Respectfully Submitted,

Loren George McKechnie


Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California

Richard Bartlett, Worshipful Master