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December 14th 2024 | Stated Meeting Minutes

The December 14th 2024 Stated Meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California opened upon the book of Psalms page 829 of our Bible.

Lodge was opened at 10:09AM upon the first degree of Masonry, for the transaction of business and Installation. The Brethren Pledged allegiance to the flag of our great nation.

Master: Raymond E. Hill IV PM

Sr. Warden: David Driesbach PM

Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow

Secretary: Loren George McKechnie

Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM

Sr. Deacon: Brian Vanderpool

Jr. Deacon: Jessie Rodriguez

Tyler: Jessie “JD” Dimas



Hall Association Report:

 A motion was made and seconded that the Hall Association proceed with the improvements project, in the amount of $30K and that $10,200 will go toward Plaster, $10,818 toward painting, and $8,882 toward new carpeting.. The bids and vendors selected to perform the work, and will be awarded the project but only after the Hall Association obtains written approval from the Masonic Properties Committee. 

Furthermore, the Hall Association has obtained some project funding from the Hall Grant Preservation fund and will seek additional project funding from the owner lodge to cover the complete project cost and any unused funds will be returned to the Lodge. Motion carried. 

Treasurer Report:

The Lodge Checking $36,677 of which $33,147 is earmarked for the building restoration, leaving an operating balance of $3,530 for normal lodge operations.


Billy Gene Bowens Jr. having previously been elected to receive the degrees of Masonry, will become a brother following the January Stated meeting.


Breakfast Proceeds were $190, no food receipts for reimbursement were submitted.

The lodge was called to refreshment at 10:37AM for the Installation of 2025 OFFICERS

The following officers were installed for the Ensuing 2025 Year

Master: Raymond E. Hill IV PM

Sr. Warden: Kevin Herrick PM (To be installed)

Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow

Treasurer: John Densem PM  (To be installed)

Secretary: Loren George McKechnie

Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM

Sr. Deacon: Brian Vanderpool

Jr. Deacon: Charles Baylacq

Marshall: Charles Hewitt

Sr. Steward: Jessie Rodriguez

Jr. Steward: John Phillips

Tyler: Jessie “JD” Dimas

Organist: Robert Wilson PM





The Lodge was called again to labor on the 1st degree at 12:16pm. And at 12:25pm closed in due form, peace and harmony prevailing.


Respectfully Submitted,

Loren George McKechnie


Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California

Richard Bartlett


Worshipful Master