The January 10th 2024 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California was opened upon the 517th page of our Bible (First Book of Kings, same page as the last meeting), on the first degree of Masonry in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business.
This Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons opened at 10:20AM with Worshipful Brother Richard Bartlett PM in the East, Worshipful Brother Brother Raymond E. Hill IVth in the West, and Worshipful Richard Bartlett in the South. Other officers, members, and visitors present are recorded in the Tiler’s register. Treasurer John Densem, Secretary Loren McKechnie, Chaplain David Driesbach PM, Sr. Deacon Robert Robbins PM, Jr. Deacon Charles E. Baylacq, Marshal Jack Swallow, Sr. Steward John Diemas, Jr. Steward Jesse Rodriguez, Tyler Jessie JD Diemas,
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the master, followed by the singing of the National Anthem.
- Minutes from the December Stated Meeting, Installation & Hiram Award were read and approved.
The Hall Association & Treasurer gave reports. Attached.
- As, we received the application for affiliation from Mr. Joseph Bowman Jr. which was read aloud in the lodge, and received. Upon satisfactory Investigation, and background checks, he will be voted upon by secret ballot.
We await a Hall Association Report on the following topics.
Items to address:
- The roof leak in the kitchen near the stairway
- Brethren seek a report on the replacement griddle project.
The Treasurer presented the Lodge with a Rent Bill from the Hall Association for $300/mo. or $3,600 for the entire year. It was moved and seconded that we pay our Rent.
Chuck Wagon Passes on the Reigns of the wagon: Charles Baylacq has been cooking up a storm since he first became a mason in 2018 and was thrown to the wolves in the kitchen. He and Brandy have done an amazing job, insuring our bellies are full, and the lodge is festive for each and every meeting for the past 5 years. As such, Charles has passed on the “day to day” reigns of the job, turning them over to Brother Scott Sorenson, who has much experience cooking in the Fire House.
Traveling East: The Worshipful Master Bartlett inquired to the Brethren, if they might have interest in visiting the Berkley “Rad Lab” where he worked for many years. A trip to Diablo Canyon Facility was also discussed. Many Brethren raised their hand, in interest for a behind the scenes tour. The Master will continue working towards such a “once in a lifetime, event”.
2024 Budget: The Master presented the Lodge a balanced budget for the 2024 year. A motion to approve was made by Worshipful Kevin Herrick PM, and seconded by Robert Robbins PM. The Budget was approved.
At 11:10AM, the Lodge was called to refreshment, and opened to the public who enjoyed the Presentation of an educational presentation on Astrology of the December Sky and the Star of Bethlehem, presentation of a Hiram award, and an Installation of officers for the 2024 Masonic Year.
- We received a nice holiday card from Widow Mary Dezelle, expressing her gratitude for our Holiday generosity, and continued concern.
- We received an update from Joe & Marion Pava who are doing well, and send their greetings.
- We received some communications from PM Jeff Stousse, who now resides in Idaho. He sent a gift of a book which consists of the diary of Thomas Flint PM and his early trials and tribulations during the Gold Rush.
- We received word from PM Hans Straub, who was feeling a little weak, and could not join us today, but hopes to see us at the next meeting.
50 YEAR AWARD – Skip Bates PM
Worshipful Skip Bates was presented a 50 Year award, recognizing is dedication to the craft, and Texas Lodge. The award was given to him in the Dining Room, and his Daughter Jennifer Bates pinned him. A little history of Skip’s Masonic Career.
He was Raised : 01/17/1974 in Confidence Lodge no. 110. He served Texas no.46, South Valley No.187 and San Benito No.211 Lodges in many roles. Ranging from Jr. Warden, Senior Warden, Senior Deacon, to a multi time Worshipful Master. We truly appreciate all the Masonic Lodge he has shared with us over the years.
- The Calendar was discussed and can be found online here:
- The Trestle board is also to be found under the NEWS section of the website
The Lodge was closed in due form at 12:06PM, peace and harmony prevailing.

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California
Richard Bartlett, Worshipful Master