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May 11th 2024 Stated Meeting | Texas Lodge no.46

The May 11th 2024 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California opened upon the book of Chronicles, page 646 of our Bible. Lodge was opened at 10:06AM upon the first degree of Masonry, in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business.

Master: Richard Bartlett PM

Sr. Warden: Raymond E. Hill PM

Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow

Treasurer: John Densem PM

Secretary: Loren McKechnie

Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM

Sr. Deacon: Jessie Dimas

Jr. Deacon: Charles Baylacq

Sr. Steward: Jesse Rodriguez

Jr. Steward: Charles Hewitt

Tyler: Tony Averill PM

Organist: Rob Wilson PM



Our Brother John Densem, updated us on the project he is working on w/ Grand Lodge RE: A new Pro-Forma Hall Association Bylaws documentation. Once approved, he may propose we update ours.


We received an Application for Degrees from Mr. Jacob Reed Radcliff of Hollister Ca.  Upon passing background investigations, the usual process will commence.


Breakfast Proceeds were $313 minus -84.75(food cost) for a total $228.25 donation to the building fund.


We received a letter “offering, for us to once again, participate in San Juan Day,  with a Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser.” The Brethren, agreed this would be a good idea, and a vote was held in affirmative. A committee will be created for the event Sunday August 11th 2024


The Lodge was closed in due form at 11:30AM, peace and harmony prevailing.

Respectfully Submitted,

Loren George McKechnie

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California


Richard Bartlett, Worshipful Master