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The March 11th 2023 Stated Meeting of Texas Lodge

The March 11th 2023 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California was opened upon the first degree of Masonry in San Juan Bautista California, for the “transaction of business, election and installation of remaining 2023 officers, & reception of the Grand Master’s representative — the Worshipful Inspector Mark Breckenridge.”

This Lodge opened at 10:23AM with Worshipful Brother Kevin Herrick PM in the East, Worshipful Brother Richard Bartlett in the West, and Brother Ray E. Hill IV PM in the South.  Other officers, members, and visitors present are recorded in the Tiler’s register.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Master


A knock thundered at the outer door and Worshipful Inspector Mark Breckenridge, Past Master, Inspector was received in due form, escorted to the east, and offered the gavel to conduct the meeting which he returned to the Master.



Confirming that Texas Lodge had received a Dispensation for the election of JW at today’s Stated meeting, the following Brothers were appointed as Tellers for the election:

Raymond Hill, IV was nominated to be elected to serve the remainder of 2023 as the Junior Warden of Texas Lodge #46.  There were no other nominations after three calls for nominations.  It was moved and seconded that the Secretary cast an unanimous ballot electing Worshipful Ray.  Motion carried. Ballot was cast. Worshipful Ray accepted. He was declared officially railroaded by the Master and congratulated.


Worshipful Robert Robbins served as Master of Ceremonies, Kevin Herrick PM as Installing officer.  Worshipful Bartlett was installed as the Senior Warden and Raymond Hill IV as Junior Warden for 2023.


Creation of the Masonic Widow’s Committee. Brother Hewitt, in reward for his excellent work on the Report of the Member Retention Committee, was assigned to chair the Masonic Widow’s committee.

Report of the Outreach Committee. Brother Ray E. Hill PM was able to use the lodge’s previously approved $150 donation (to be matched by the supplier), to provide the Hollister H.O.M.E. (Homeless) shelter, the clothes washer and dryer machines which they so desperately need.



The Grave Investigation Committee submitted their report, including important details that Worshipful Herrick had planned to reveal on April First but instead included them therewith.

The Master reported he is on the fourth volume in Photographing the old records (minutes) of Texas Lodge but is having difficulty uploading images organized into folders to the Grand Lodge online Vault. 

The Audit Committee reported they met and today submitted their written audit of the Lodge and Hall finances.

It was announced that the Lodge Trustees responded by email that they had not made any investments on behalf of the Lodge.  Worshipful Herrick shared from the California Masonic Code the purpose of a lodge having Trustees, and noted that since Texas Lodge has no Trust, it should not have any Trustees,  It was moved, seconded, and passed that the Trustees of Texas Lodge #46 be thankded for their service and excused from the duty.

The Secretary presented his 2022 Annual Secretary’s Report, which was received by vote of the Lodge.

The Member Retention Committee submitted their report and indicated there is one Brother whose name will be submitted to the Charity Committee to consider remission of dues.


The Lodge was presented, moved, seconded, and approved the following audited bills:





Bother Chandler Gibson, of Columbia-Brotherhood Lodge #370, was invited to address the brethren from the Dais and offered a special oration regarding his philanthropic efforts at the Masonic Home and how Brothers might contribute. He cited extensively from the words of Past Grand Master Flint. He reviewed the history of the Masonic Foundation, which was founded in 1959, its initial endowment coming from the sale of a Fraternity House in Berkley. The fund now holds $40M of investable assets. He added that Brothers donated $2M, during the COVID-19 pandemic, and $1.6 of that was to the “Distressed Worthy Brother Program” providing for our fellow masons.  He was met west of the alter and given a Texas Lodge Coffee mug as a gift by the Master.


Inspector Mark Breckenridge addressed the brethren and remarked that Texas Lodge is practicing the very tenets of masonry and that he is proud to see our Lodge making manifest the many precepts of Masonry.  He presented the Master with a Masonic Pin having the Texas State outline as a background.

The Lodge was closed in due form at 11:55am, peace and harmony prevailing.

Respectfully Submitted,
Loren George McKechnie

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California

Kevin Herrick, Worshipful Master