May, 2023
Greetings, Brother Texan,
NOTICE: For those who have keys to the building, Please be advised that the Parlour door lock was replaced on 4/20/2023 because the key to it broke off inside the lock. Please see Brother Chuck Baylacq if you need to be re-issued a key.
Also please note the Lodge main front door lock has become “tricky and sticky” , so please be careful with your key and do not force it, or it too may break off as well. The Hall Association will be addressing the situation.
WOW!, What an unbelievable trip to Volcano we had this past weekend! And gaining a tour of the Volcano Lodge room, built and occupied since 1860, was a marvelous unexpected treat. Brother Doug Ketron’s (Volcano Lodge Treasurer) historical presentation was as intriguing as the old lodge room itself, without electric wires or lights, and still lit by a kerosene chandelier! And thank you for your generosity donating $441 as we passed the hat to collect for Volcano Lodge’s scholarship fund. What an amazing treat it was to visit history and each other while enjoying our families picnicking next to the cave, as the kids explored its cool depths. This was a trip for the ages, and I thank you for supporting your lodge in these family-friendly activities.
We have a loaded social 2023 calendar, which you can always find here: . But if you have a smart phone, please use the following link to synchronize the Lodge’s calendar into yours, so you won’t ever miss a beat: .
Brothers, your Executive Committee meets monthly to plan our Stated meetings in hopes to make them more productive and concise. I ask that any new business that you wish considered to be submitted to the Master or the Secretary at least 15 days prior to our stated meeting, so we can properly arrange for its consideration.
At the upcoming Stated Meeting we plan to hold a ballot to consider Mr. Jose Salas, Jr and Mr. John Phillips applications to receive the degrees. I have slated some practices and degree dates on the calendar for tentative plans.
It is “Go time” for officers planning to occupy the progressive officers’ chairs in Lodge for 2024. You should be making progress on your upcoming position’s proficiency. Please begin reviewing the ritual in your free “down-time” during the day, while preparing meals, driving in the car, waiting in a doctor’s lobby, etc. Masonic Ritual must be absorbed slowly and repeatedly, and frequently bounced off one another, to be retained. It is not something you can “plan time to get to it”. It must occupy your free moments during the day if you are to retain it, — In my experience at least.
Thank you for your continued membership in “California’s Most Outstanding Masonic Lodge. Period.” We are such a unique lodge because of each of you. You are what makes Texas-46 special, and you are what links her historic past to her promising future and the “Brothers-46” yet to come. What part will you play in her unfolding adventure through timeless San Juan’s history?
I will close with the following thought from the first degree lecture:
“The three principal tenants of Masonry are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth,
By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught regard the whole human species as one family, –the high and the low, the rich and the poor, — who as created by one almighty parent and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support, and protect each other. On this principle Masonry unites men of every country sect an opinion, and causes true friendship to exist among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.”
Sincerely and fraternally yours,
Kevin Herrick, PM, Master
Selected UPCOMING TEXAS-46 EVENTS in May and June:
WED May 3 @ 6 pm — Parlor Night. Dress as a Gentleman Cowboy or a Victorian Lady and join us for a step back to a timeless age. $20 donation to join the fundraiser poker game (no winnings – proceeds benefit Lodge Budget). Bring a friend and receive a bonus!
SAT May 13 @ 9 am Family Breakfast, Stated Meeting, and Texas BBQ. Come celebrate this special event wherein we will honor three Brothers for their history and achievements in Masonry – Brother Joe Salas will be recognized for his Silver Anniversary of being 25 years in Masonic light, and Brothers Laurence Connell and Wor. Reb Monaco will be recognized and awarded their 50-Year Golden Veteran awards for 50 years of service to the Craft! Breakfast for family and friends as usual, and after an abbreviated Stated Meeting, friends and family and Brothers can join in our backyard Texas Style BBQ with TriTip, Baked Beans, cornbread, and a game of horseshoes! $20 suggested donation covers costs and excess proceeds benefit the Lodge General fund.
SAT May 20 @ 11 am at Masonic Homes in Union City. 34400 Mission Blvd, Union City. Texas Lodge members and family will be given a free guided tour of this facility with behind-the-scenes tour of the living quarters, library and social areas, reading rooms, dining area, activities centers, and exercise facility. Lunch will be available for a small fee. Plan to attend and bring family and friends to learn first-hand how your donations to The California Masonic Foundation support this amazing resource for Brothers, widows, and family. Charity never faileth, Brother!
WED Jun 7 @ 6 pm — Parlor Night. Dress as a Gentleman Cowboy or a Victorian Lady and join us for a step back to a timeless age. $20 donation to join the fundraiser poker game (no winnings – proceeds benefit Lodge Budget). Bring a friend and receive a bonus!
SAT June 10 @ 9 am PAST MASTERS’ Family Breakfast and Stated Meeting. Be sure to arrive early for breakfast and bring family so you won’t miss our Past Masters presenting their memories of the Craft’s achievements during their year as Master! Then chuckle as these honored Past Masters fill the officer chairs and attempt to show us how to properly open and run a lodge meeting with ritual perfection! This is a great past-time you won’t want to miss! PMs, we honor and appreciate your service and thank you in advance for playing along. This meeting is about YOU and your exemplary service to the Craft!
SAT June 17 @ 3:30-9:30 St. John the Baptist family Pizza Oven Day. Come with friends, wife, and kidddos to the Worshipful Master’s home and make your own pizza and bake it in his backyard wood-fired oven! Walk with your bride in the vineyard among the vines and reconnect as you bake a traditional thin crust Italian style personal size pizza (or 3)! Make and bake your own and share with others to see who is best at this ageless tradition. You cannot buy a pizza more tasty than you can bake yourself — Guaranteed! Good times and fraternal fellowship in abundance! Parking on street. $15 suggested donation, excess proceeds benefit the Lodge General Fund.