The Stated Meeting of July, was held in person. It was the first stated meeting in person since February 2020, due to the COVID-19 shut down of services by the Governor. The Lodge was opened at 10:41AM after a hearty breakfast was enjoyed by all. The Master lead the brethren in the pledge of allegiance to the flag, of our great nation.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
The minutes of the virtual stated meeting of June, were approved as read.
Bills and Communications:
Two Bills were presented for reimbursement. 1. For Breakfast foodstuffs ($55.83), and a second for Extension Cords to power up the Kitchen Griddle and Oven, ($33.57 & $34.14. respectively) while we are in partial remodel. Totaling $$132.54 for reimbursement.
Worshipful Herrick presented a communication to the Lodge from our friends at the Masonic Lodge in Ecuador. They sent us a certificate of recognition of his visit to their lodge with his son Crispin. They included some Equator keychains for the officers, to keep as a memento.
Visiting Brethren:
Brother Jacob Miranti from Texas Army Lodge No. 1105 of San Antonio. He presented the Lodge with an Army Lodge Centennial Pin, it being founded in 1915. Brother Miranti offered to present to us some Masonic history from Texas, at a subsequent visit. He is stationed at Monterey, and we hope to see him often.
Reception of Applications:
The Brothers present voted to receive an Application for Degrees by Mr. James P. Caldwell of Paradise Park, Santa Cruz, California
Traveling Charter of Texas Lodge
The Worshipful inspector B.J. McCuiston P.M. and a few fellow brothers explored the opportunity to evaluate a site for doing ritual work away from the Lodge. This undisclosed location was deemed sufficient, with the ability to Tile it properly from Cowan’s and eavesdroppers. We expect to hold the 2nd degree for Brother Charles Baylacq out doors, in the coming weeks.
Sunshine Report:
The Master recently spoke with the following Members, and has the following to report.
Joe Pava: Marion and Joe as you may know, moved to Texas recently. They are volunteering at their local lodge, Order of the Eastern Star, and Shrine. Joe is now using a walker, as his Parkinson’s is advancing. They sold their RV and have moved into a single level home.
Hans Straub: Hans is in good spirits, and same as ever.
Alan Schattenburg: Alan is now using a wheelchair as he took a fall, and has moved to the fulltime care facility at the Masonic Home in Union City.
The Master is planning a visit to the Masonic Home in Union City, so please reach out, if you are interested in visiting our brothers at the home.
Has any Brother, anything for the benefit of Masonry?
Our Worshipful Inspector B.J. McCuiston rejoiced that we are finally able to meet in person, and not over teleconference by Zoom and the CCP.
Some unfortunate news was shared on the topic of South Valley Lodge #187. Due to some financial challenges relating back a few years to a building earthquake retrofit project, they are having some trouble paying per-capita expenses, and suggested he idea that we might consider assisting them.
At 11:41 AM the Lodge was closed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary Loren George McKechnie Date: 7/14/2021
Worshipful Master Jeff Strouse Date: 7/14/2021