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June 8th 2024 Stated Meeting Minutes

The June 8th 2024 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California opened upon the book of Job, page 717 of our Bible. Lodge was opened at 10:07AM upon the first degree of Masonry, in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business.

Master: Richard Bartlett PM

Sr. Warden: Raymond E. Hill PM

Jr. Warden: Jack Swallow

Treasurer: John Densem PM

Secretary: Loren McKechnie

Chaplain: Reb Monaco PM

Sr. Deacon: Robert Robbins PM

Jr. Deacon: Charles Baylacq

Sr. Steward: Jesse Rodriguez

Jr. Steward: Charles Hewitt

Tyler: Jessie Demas “JD”



Hall Association Report: Worshipful Kevin Herrick informed the Master of our application for $29K in bids for work to our building, to the Grand Lodge Hall Fund. We eagerly await an affirming response.

Workmen of the Temple consisting of the following Brothers, volunteered to perform the following work on the building. Foundation Skirt repair & installation. Leaks near the outdoor stairway, and the cornice on the south west building wall. Workmen: Robert Robbins, Charles Baylacq, “JD”, Jeff Buck, Joe Bowman, Charles Hewitt, Jesse Rodriquez.

Treasurer Report: Brother John Densem informed us of the following: Lodge Account Balance $38,600, of which $31,700 are ear-marked for the building/repair fund. Our operating budget for the remainder of the year is $6,900 with a $103 surplus forecast against the budget for the fiscal year. We also learned that our property insurance is due next month and is $4,433.

Grave Restoration: Worshipful Brothers Reb Monaco & Kevin Herrick traveled down the long and winding road known as HWY 25, to a Cattle ranch, where a small private graveyard peacefully rests atop a hill. Brethren had previously repaired the marble obelisk marking the final resting place of a departed Brother who was a Sea Captain, who laid down is working tools in the late 1890’s. A work party to repair it once again, and possibly reinforce it against back scratching cattle is being planned.


Investigators have been appointed for candidate Mr. Jacob Reed Radcliff of Hollister Ca.


Breakfast Proceeds were $233. Brother Bowman donated the fresh donuts, allowing the entire cash proceeds to be a donation to the building fund.

Pancake Breakfast Planning: A lengthy discussion of great ideas filled the Lodge Room. The secretary offered to create a business plan, which an be viewed here.


We received communication from Grand Lodge, RE: Masons for Mitts 


The Lodge was closed in due form at 11:48AM, peace and harmony prevailing.

Respectfully Submitted,


Loren George McKechnie

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California


Richard Bartlett, Worshipful Master