The November 11th 2023 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California was opened upon the 675th page of our Bible, on the first degree of Masonry in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business & election of 2024 Officers.
This Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons opened at 10:14AM with Worshipful Brother Kevin Herrick PM in the East, Worshipful Brother Richard Bartlett in the West, and Worshipful Brother Raymond E. Hill IVth in the South. Other officers, members, and visitors present are recorded in the Tiler’s register. Treasurer John Densem, Secretary Loren McKechnie, Chaplain Ray E. Hill IVth, Sr. Deacon Robert Robbins PM, Jr. Deacon Charles E. Baylacq, Marshal Jack Swallow, Sr. Steward John Diemas, Jr. Steward David Godoy, Tyler Charles Hewitt, Organist Robert Wilson PM.
Brother Douglass Cook EA of San Benito #211 visited us, and thanked us for a fantastic breakfast. Other visitors included Widows Gretta Justice and Jane Hewitt, both admitted while the lodge was at refreshment, to recognize them as incredible contributors to Texas Lodge.
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the master, followed by the singing of the National Anthem.
The Master recognized all Veterans to stand, and state their affiliation and service record.
The following Veterans were recognized, for their service in each branch, and station.
- Jack Swallow Coast Guard
- Tony Averill Alameda 1958-1964
- Larry Connell navy 1952-1982
- BJ McCuiston Army National Guard 1958 Airforce 1966
- John Densem Coast Guard 1964-1967
- Robert Wilson US Navy Aviation 1958-1962
“Oh cold, cold, rigid, dreadful Death, set up thine altar here, and dress it with such terrors as thou hast at thy command: for this is thy dominion! But of the loved, revered, and honored head, thou canst not turn one hair to thy dread purposes, or make one feature odious. It is not that the hand is heavy and will fall down when released; it is not that the heart and pulse are still; but that the hand was open, generous, and true; the heart brave, warm, and tender; and the pulse a man’s. Strike, Shadow, strike! And see his good deeds springing from the wound, to sow the world with life immortal!”
- Minutes from the September Stated Meeting.
- An application for affiliation was received from Brother Jeffrey Buck of Ban Benito #211. Nearing the end of the meeting, Brother Buck presented a gift to the Lodge, that a of a Masonic Flag featuring the Square and Compass on a Blue Field. Application recommended by Brother Jack Swallow, and Worshipful Robert Robbins PM
The Master made a request to the Hall Association President (Brother Charles Beylacq) to hold a meeting.
Items to address:
- The roof leak in the kitchen near the stairway
- Brethren seek a report on the replacement griddle project.
- The below proposal for building a Rental unit, and receiving Rental Income to support the Lodge.
The Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Brother Kevin Herrick proposed an idea to the lodge, that will be considered by the Hall Association. Namely that idea of replacing the old shed in the back 40′, with an idea which has been gaining traction in this great State of California. The Master reiterated that Texas Lodge, while indeed historic, has avoided the “Trap” of getting special treatment by registering the building as historic and saving property tax, as this “special status” as a ‘Registered Historic Building” comes with many additional encumbrances on our freedom, to update remodel or even paint “Paint The Old Girl” a new shade of beautiful.
This idea, is also known as an ADU allows the cost effective building of a rental dwelling, which might defer the costs of keeping up this 153 year old building. The Master requested volunteers for a committee to investigate this concept. The following stepped forward. Ray, Charles, Jesse, Robert. Brochure Link:
There is a new sound in the East, at Confidence Lodge #110. The “brotherly love”, between Confidence #110 & Texas Lodge no.46 is storied, back in the 1800’s, our spittoons were stolen, buildings and flag were shot up when us Texas found a locked door. Amends were made, and they gifted us their Ole’ Flag back in 1988. To continue this tradition, Texans attended the Stated Meeting to retrieve our traveling gavel. The Master looked around with a unique look on his face, and was unsure of the location of said gavel. Dr. Kevin Herrick PM, said ‘That one in front of you, looks just fine!”, and they handed it over. My money says, they will be around shortly to exchange it, for the “traveling version”. Texas welcomes, the visit.
Let there be Sat – e – light! South Valley Internet
In an attempt to provide “Balanced Access”, a non-profit is offering free WIFI to unserved families in San Juan Bautista. During COVID-19, 25% of the Aromas & San Juan School districts students did not have access to reliable internet. The proposed service will offer high speed WIFI for free to these families, via its $200K state grant, and will also offer regular rate payers service for $70/mo. Our Brother Scott Sorensen’s wife’s family business is requesting Texas Lodge’s support, to assist the program by allowing a Satellite Dish and repeater to be installed on the Lodge Building. Much discussion was had, and it appears the Lodge Hall Association, may be interested in exploring a non-physical way to mount equipment on a tower, or structure away from the lodge, so as not to impact its antique structure.
Worshipful BJ McCuiston presented the Santa Clara county program called “Adopt a Senior” for the Holidays. He shared that the District Attorneys Office is requestion donations, to provide Holiday Cheer and small gifts to elders whom they look after, and are often abused by family members. The Master Passed his hat around the lodge, and the Secretary found $533 therein, which was offered as a donation for the program.
GIFT TO THE LIBRARY Book Beyond Relief, the Masonic Homes, was gifted by Kevin Herrick PM
Our Brother Robert Wilson, was presented the incredibly rare 60th award. He recounted many fond memories including 17 annual communications, receiving 3 Hiram Awards in Texas Lodge, Fellowship Lodge and Ban Benito Lodges, But it was Texas…the best dam lodge in California, that made him an Organist for the first time. He continued with great advice, and recounting stories.
“60 years has come and gone quickly, I worked on many projects around the lodge, the building of the Kitchen, the replacement of the roof, all were a joy, to work side by side with my Brothers.”
“Do your work, and make contributions while you can. I remember when Hans Straub PM tripped an fell off the back of a truck when we were roofing, we thought he was seriously injured, but he jumped right back up, and got back to work.”
” My father was a mason, and I once introduced him as my Brother. His reply was quite interesting, “your mother must have been a hell of a woman…”
With this, the Lodge Recognized Worshipful Brother Robert Wilson PM with a battery of 3X3.
The Worshipful Master Kevin Herrick PM, offered the lodge a trip report on his travels to Vietnam with his wife, to visit family and explore the country. In these travels he ran across some pins, and you know Freemasons LOVE pins!
As such, he requested the Senior Warden, Brother Richard Bartlett PM, and Secretary Loren McKechnie to meet him West of the Alter. He promptly presented, two legitimate verified Red Communist party pins, to these brothers, and thanked them (in jest) for their appreciation of communism.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS Tellers (Robert Wilson PM, Jesse “JD” Diemas, Scott Sorensen)
The following Officers were elected to serve Texas Lodge no.46 in 2024, and graciously accepted the roles
Master: Richard Bartlett PM (Robert Robbins Moved, Brian V 2nd)
Sr. Warden: Raymond E. Hill IV PM (Robert Robbins Moved, Charles B 2nd)
Jr. Warden; Kevin Herrick (RR Moved, Reb Monaco 2nd)
Treasurer: John Densem (Robert Robbins Moved, Charles B 2nd)
Secretary: Loren McKechnie (Robert Robbins Moved, Brian V. 2nd)
The Master & Lodge decided that installation would occur at the January Stated meeting, in a closed Masonic Ceremony.
- The Calendar was discussed and can be found online here:
- The Trestleboard is also to be found under the NEWS section of the website.
- Thanks Giving Dinner at Salinas Lodge. 18th of November, 5:00pm
During the Masonic Widows presentation, the Master reminded us of the contributions our Master Thomas Flint provided to widows orphans and children of Freemasons, by assisting in the opening of The Masonic Home in Union City. Brother Charles Hewitt informed us of a project to recognize and continue honoring our Widows and ladies, by creating a Texas Lodge no.46 Recipe Book with contributions and special recipes from our beloved wives and widows.
The Lodge was closed in due form at 1:13PM, peace and harmony prevailing.

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California
Kevin Herrick, Worshipful Master