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Greetings, Brother Texan,

Please join me in congratulating Brother Issac Steinman, the newest member Mason of Texas Lodge #46!  Texas put on a splendid First Degree for Brother Issac, and he is now the newest member of the Texas Renegade tradition.  Please take a look at some of the photos Secretary Loren has posted on the webpage, and be sure to seek out Issac and make him feel welcome in the California’s most outstanding Masonic Lodge. Period.

We also had a fantastic turnout of members and friends last Saturday when we met at Skip Bates’ property in Aromas and had a fun time target shooting with our firearms!  Thank you, Worshipful Skip, for allowing us to use your property for this outstanding event!  We enjoyed a great demonstration of black powder handguns, and I was personally impressed by the vast arsenal of weapons we Texans own!  We even got to meet met some new friends, and certainly greeted them with Texas Lodge’s hospitality.  This event was a lot of fun for all who participated and we hope to do it again soon.

We have a loaded social 2023 calendar, which you can always find here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=sanjuanbautistatxlodge46@gmail.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles . But if you have a smart phone, please use the following link to synchronize the Lodge’s calendar into yours, so you won’t ever miss an event:  https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?cid=sanjuanbautistatxlodge46@gmail.com .

Brothers, I have posted QR codes in the lodge cantina near the flag, and in the Tyler’s room near the sign in Register.   You can point your I-phone camera or QR code reader at one of several of these QR codes to get immediate access to online postings such as your monthly Trestleboard (found under the NEWS heading on the Texas 46 webpage), the Texas social calendar, the 150th anniversary history publication from 2003, the virtual tour of our lodge, Worshipful Captain Storey’s 1860 funeral obituary newspaper release, or the history of our 36-star flag.  Bring a friend to the next stated breakfast and show him around, and share the links with him!

I am pleased to report that Texas Lodge has achieved 100% officer giving to the California Masonic Foundation this year, setting an example of charity that many have come to recognize as central to our core as Texans.

Brothers, the minimum masonic requirement to advance in Masonry is to learn a small portion of ritual to become proficient on a degree before you advance to the next.  I encourage any Brother in the process of becoming a Master Mason to rededicate and practice the ritual work you have been shown, and continue to make progress.  Brothers Charles Hewitt and Brian Vanderpool have begun meeting at Brian’s home on some Saturday nights to practice the ritual in what they call “Garage Lodge.”  This is a great chance to socialize and learn the ritual, and to the Brothers who are considering being an officer in Lodge for 2024: a reminder that you should be making final progress on the proficiency for that position.  Please be ready to present your proficiency by October’s stated meeting, only weeks away.

Thank you for your continued support of Texas-46, California’s Most Outstanding Masonic Lodge. Period.  We are such a unique lodge because of each of you and the contributions of fellowship and Brotherly Love you bring to our meetings.

Sincerely and fraternally yours,

Kevin Herrick, Worshipful Master



 SAT October 14 @ 9 am Community Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser and Stated Meeting, Be sure to bring family and friends to our annual Community Pancake fundraiser breakfast beginning at 9AM Sharp!  Proceeds benefit local youth programs – The Jobs Daughters and BSA troop!  Lodge will open Stated Meeting an hour later than usual, at 11 AM, in order to provide us time to serve the public at this important fundraiser event.

SAT October 21 at 6mPM in Virginia City, Nevada, Carson Chandler’s Third Degree conferral will be held in Escurial Lodge.  Many Texans plan to attend. Master Masons Only for the degree conferral.  All family and friends invited to the fun times to be had in this historic town.

FRI October 27- SUN October 29 GRAND LODGE, Master Masons only, in San Francisco.

SAT November 11 @ 9 am Family Breakfast, Stated Meeting, Election of 2024 Officers, and Lunch Family Celebration of ROB WILSON, 60 YEARS A MASTER MASON. Be sure to bring family and friends to this outstanding event.  Lodge opens at 10 for the stated meeting. 9 am a light breakfast snack and coffee. Family and Friends invited to the Lunch Celebration of Worshipful Rob Wilson’s 60 years as a Master Mason.