he October Stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California was opened upon the 543rd page of our bible. (The same page as last month) This Lodge of E.A. Masons opened at 10:16AM with Worshipful Brother Raymond E. Hill IV PM in the East, Brother Richard Bartlett PM in the West, Brother Kevin Herrick PM in the South. Other officers, members, and visitors present are recorded in the Tiler’s register.
- The minutes from the September stated meeting was read and approved.
Retention Committee Report was given by Brother John Densem. Many “Checks are in the mail”.
- A vote was held, to approve the request for representatives of our lodge to present the Boy Scouts our donation from the Pancake Breakfast, and wear Masonic Regalia at the presentation event to be held at the Scouts Meeting. A dispensation from our Worshipful Inspector will be requested.
- We received an application from Mr. John Phillips, which was received by the Lodge. An investigating committee will be chosen, and will report their findings to the Worshipful Master.
- The application from Brother Jesse Dimas who currently resides under the GL jurisdiction of Georgia has withdrawn his application.
The Lodge approved the following bills:
- Reimbursement of $800 to Kevin Herrick PM for the trip to Atzlan Lodge No.1 of Arizona where our Brother Garett Wright was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. A written trip report is still expected to be published to the website soon. The event was attended by 134 Brothers from California, Nevada and Arizona.
- $100 per family attending the Story County Nevada event has been approved and voted on by the Lodge. This trip occurs next weekend, and will be attended by brothers from Nevada, Visalia Lodge and Texas Lodge.
- The Check for the fund raiser breakfast, for the Scouts was presented, but masonic regalia was not worn at the event.
- The SOI at Salinas Lodge is canceled due to conflict with GL Communication happening in SF.
- Story County Nevada event has been approved and voted on by the Lodge. This trip occurs next weekend, and will be attended by brothers from Nevada, Visalia Lodge and Texas Lodge.
- Please visit the lodge calendar on the website here: https://lodge46.freemason.org/#events
- A reminder that there will be a 2nd degree held on the 29th of October.
- Brother Jim Riley noted that it would be nice for the Lodge to consider making a recommendation to the Hall Association that a Square and Compass might look mighty fine, up the gable of the roof.
The lodge was closed at 11:20am

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California
Worshipful Master of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California