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Self improvement, reflection & your journey


Self Reflection:

Important tenants of Freemasonry include self improvement, seeking truth, and reflection. It is said that the primary goal is “to take good men and make them better”. If you are a mason, you will know and recall that your journey likely began with seeking, reflection and a door that was opened unto you.

Freemasons are also prohibited from disturbing the peace and harmony of a Lodge of Masons, by addressing certain divisive topics like Religion or Politics. This tenant and direction is something quite welcome in today’s divisive world.

As Freemasons we endeavor to always explore, and learn from others. That may be our fellow humans, and their experiences and cultures. Freemasonry is open to people of all faiths, and opinions, and focuses on the commonality of humankind rather than its differences.

Equality is another critical tenant of masonry, where all Brothers have equal opportunity to have their thoughts and expressions be heard, without any concern for earthly power or material may temporarily possess.

As you travel on this journey of life, it is often necessary to seek the advice of others, the creator of the universe and your fellow humans. It is also critical to look within. I believe this video is inspirational in posing the right questions, so that you might truly find you way.

Please enjoy and take from it what you will. I hope you learn something, rather than criticizing and judging. The truly wise man can learn more from those with whom he might disagree, than from those with which he agrees.

Thinking is an active endeavor, critical thinking requires self reflection and questioning ones own assumptions.



Loren George McKechnie

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F&AM of California

LINK: https://youtu.be/5xbADDvciko