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Update from our Worshipful Inspector

From: BJ McCuiston, Inspector 353rd Masonic District
Slainte Mhath Bhràithrean, (good health Brethren)
Wishing Y’all Peace, good health and happiness during this 2nd Half of 2020.  May the Grand Artificer guide and protect us all. Happy American Independence Day July 4th. 
Soon all Lodges will be receiving a template for preparedness from the Grand Lodge, preparedness for the time restrictions are lifted and we are able to resume Masonic meetings and activities.  That time will come, however, at this time there is no estimate as to when it will be other than it will be when the State is in Phase 4 recovery.
Lodges will be required to use the template to enact requirements for attendance at their meetings and activities and file them with Grand Lodge.  Such things as the use of a digital thermometer for checking temperatures, wearing of masks, gloves, and sanitizing before and after entering the Lodge, etc.  “ZOOM” meetings, with no esoteric work, are encouraged to maintain contact with membership and social interaction.

An updated list of all events sponsored by the Grand Lodge of California, and their status, are listed on a website shared by the Grand Master.        

Please direct members to this site for up to date information:


July 1, 2020 Grand Lodge will transition to I-Member 2.0 which will include a new social feed created by Grand View and will replace the current District and Lodge Apps many members are using.

Plans are in place for the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, however, they are not being released at this time.  The transition of New Grand Lodge Officers will take place whether it be virtually or otherwise.

Election of Officers for lodges will be required for 2021 whether it be to re-elect current officers for another term or to elect new officers.  The process will depend on our Phase of preparedness.

All Officers and members are encouraged to make use of available time to access the Member Learning Center and complete the Leadership training courses.  They are required for line officers and highly desirable for anyone aspiring to enter the line of Officers for any lodge.

Again, Proficiency and certification, by the district Inspector is a requirement for all Officers prior to Installation.  Be prepared.  The NEW Monitor and Officers’ manual is available in .PDF format in the Member Center on the Grand Lodge web site.  LAFSCO do not have hard copies available at this time.  There is no charge for downloading the .pdf copies from the member center.

Thanks for your Representatives attendance at the June ZOOM meeting for Masonic Outreach.  There were 26 Masons in attendance, as was Nancy Crompton.  Each Lodge should have a regular representative in attendance.  That representation may include wives and other members.  The next meeting will be in October 2020.  These are quarterly meetings.  More information will follow.

Thanks again for your efforts in maintaining contact with your members, widows, and orphans during this time.  All it takes is a phone call to brighten someone’s day and possibly discover a need.  Consider using ZOOM to reach out to your membership to stay in contact.  Remember, much can be done so long as we abide by Social distancing requirements as set forth by the CDC. I hope to see you in lodge soon.

Mar sin leat, an drasta, (bye for now)


BJ McCuiston

BJ McCuiston, Inspector

353rd Masonic District