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March & April Stated Meetings Postponed due to the Wuhan Corona-virus.

A Message about Masonic Meetings
Dear lodge leaders,

I hope you and your family are safe and healthy and managing well through this current crisis.


The grand master and executive committee have been inspired by the number of virtual lodge gatherings happening on Zoom and other conferencing apps.  These gatherings keep us connected and provide much needed socialization while we shelter in place.  Some may think this is an opportunity to conduct regular lodge business while gather online. As lodge leaders, we need to be sure this doesn’t happen.


As you prepare for the month of April, here are a few things to remember:

  • The lodge will not have a stated meeting until further notice by the grand master
  • A majority of the elected lodge officers may confer about, agree to, and direct the payment of essential bills and the distribution of charity
  • No other lodge business may be transacted until the lodge has a stated meeting sometime in the future
  • The payment of bills and distribution of charity will be ratified by the lodge at the next stated meeting

As a reminder, information about Masonic meetings and events as well as the relief effort underway can be found here.


I wish you and your family continued good health and safety.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


Allan L. Casalou
Grand Secretary