As the smoke cleared, we welcomed a new brother to the Fraternity. Brother Zachary Monk was made a Mason, on this eventful Saturday upon which a special meeting was held. The Brethren enjoyed the good ole’ hearly breafast fixings of Charles “ChuckWagon” Baylacq and Worshipful Ray E. Hill IV P.M.
French Toast, and Breakfast Sausage, along with Potatoes proke the fast, and set the pangs of hunger at bay of many a wearly traveling brother. “Chuch wagaon, and Ray, were kept honest, and busy in the kitchen by their lovely ladies Brandy and Ramona respectively.
Back to Travelers, we were grasciously visited by a few first time visitors, and some rarely seen friendly faces. The Officers Positions were filled by the appointed brothers, as listed in the Tyler’s register. Lodge was opened on the first degree of Masonry, to conduct the most important business of a Lodge, the ceremony of making a Mason and welcoming a new Brother to the Fraternity. We all can recall how simply amazing, the sights and sounds, or lack thereof, bring forth an epiphany out of darkness. Zach emerged, relatively unscathed, adorned by a new vestment. Lodge was closed at: 12:25PM
Loren George McKechnie
Secretary of Texas Lodge No. 46 F. & A.M. of California