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December 14th Stated Meeting & Trestleboard

Texas Lodge No.46 Free and Accepted Masons of California, held its stated meeting for the month of December on the 14th day, at 10am. There were 16 Masons in attendance.  Proceedings suitable for public dissemination are noted below:

Investigation Committee Report:

The Application for Affiliation of Richard Goldstein has been accepted, and the unanimous ballot found bright. The Master graciously performed two Ballots, to enable our newest brother Goldstein, then only, a few minutes a Texas Lodge Mason, to vote in the ballot for our newest candidate,  Zachery Monk.

The research comittee reported on Candidate  Zachery Monk, and he comes to us,  under the tongue of good report. A Ballot was held, and his application for degrees was unanimously approved. Mr. Zachery Monk has been scheduled to receive the first degree of Masonry after our Stated Meeting in on January 11th. Officers are requested to attend a practice at 5pm on January 10th. Please join me in extending a warm Texas Lodge welcome, to our newest members.

We have received two additional applications for affiliation to Texas Lodge No. 46. The first  from Brother Tony Alarcon of Los Gatos, a member of Mount Moriah Lodge #292 and San Jose #10. A ballot to consider the new applications for affiliation will be held at the January 11th stated meeting.

Inspector Report:

Worshipful BJ McCuiston expounded to our lodge, that all “Officers Elect” for the 6020AL calendar year, have performed satisfactory examinations and established suitability for their upcoming offices. The worshipful inspector also instructed the members and officers, on a few finer points of ritual work, as well as clarified to us the regulations of how many constitutes, a just and legally constituted lodge of free and accepted masons. Luckily the requirement is less than the 16 masons which were in attendance.

Sunshine Report:

Worshipful Tony Averill is recovering successfully from surgery, and intended to spend some time with us at this December stated meeting, but was unable due to a new back injury. We extend Worshipful Tony our best, and look forward to seeing him soon. He also provided an update on Earl “Hap” Halliday’s recent open heart surgery. He also is recovering well. Help me in expressing our appreciation, and “get well wishes” for these two fine Brothers, who between them, have invested 96 years in seeking additional  light in masonry.

2020 Dues:

Dues for the 6020AL Masonic Year, are $103.00 and now payable. What is “Ano Lucias, or AL” you ask? Read the article here. Thank you to all the Brothers who have send in checks, and also gone above and beyond to invest in our future, by donating to the Masonic Hall Association: Building Repair Fund. As of December 5th, we have 23 who have paid, out of our total membership of 59.

Lodge Hall Association Building Repair Fund:

We have recieved several donations to our building repair fund. I am proud to say that 41% of brothers who have sent in dues checks, have added as much as $100 each, to the fund. Thank you all!

As you know, our Texas Lodge No. 46 is a very important building in California Masonic History. Below is a brief history of the Lodge building, from the San Juan Bautista Historic Walking Trail Website.

“By the end of 1854, according to Lodge minutes, membership was 20. The Masons met in various places until the National Hotel was built in 1858, and a room was made available for their meetings. Membership had grown to 110 by 1867 when they decided to build their own building. It was voted to build the building at a cost not to exceed $4,000. With much horse-trading and creative efforts, the building was completed June 24th, 1869.”

Our Lodge building has not only served Masonry, but has also served many business and civic functions during the 19th, 20th and 21 Centuries.

“The large main room downstairs has served in a variety of capacities over the years. It was used for the Wells Fargo Express Office, the Justice of the Peace Office, the meeting space for monthly City Council meetings around the turn of the 19th century; then the telephone company used the space from 1901-1924; the U.S. Post Office was then housed in the space, followed by the San Juan library until 1979.  Most recently, the downstairs rooms have been rented to businesses.”

Traveling Brothers:

We recieved Brother David Tischart FC as a first time visitor to Texas Lodge No.46 at the December Stated meeting. He hails from South Valley Lodge #187, and accompanied Worshipful Inspector BJ McCuiston, also a member of South Valley Lodge #187.

Worshipful Secretary Kevin Herrik PM is attending Lodge in Ecuador this coming Tuesday. He sent a message for us to send him a certificate commemorating his visit, and some Texas Lodge Pins to give the brothers. We will expect a full report upon his return.

Dates to Note:

December 17th: Salinas Lodge #204 is conferring  a first degree at 7:30pm.

December 19th: Madera Lodge #280 INVASION OF ATTENDANCE & SUPPORT FOR 1st Degree. 7:00 PM  Address:123 South B Street, Madera, CA 93638 Carpool from 140 6th St. Hollister meet at 4pm.

January 4th: 2020 Joint Installation of Officers Ceremony, with Salinas Lodge at 48 E San Joaquin St, Salinas, CA 93901

January 11th: Stated Meetin & First Degree Confirral for Zachery Monk. Breakfast at 9:00 am, the Gavel Hammers at 10 am.

February 8th: Stated Meeting. Breakfast at 9:00 am, the Gavel Hammers at 10 am.


Loren George McKechnie

Assistant Secretary Texas Lodge No. 46