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July 8th 2023 Stated Meeting & Special Meeting

The July 8th 2023 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California was opened upon the 337th page of our Bible, Joshua, upon the first degree of Masonry in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business.

This Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons opened at 10:08AM with Worshipful Brother Tony Averill PM in the East, Worshipful Brother Robert Wilson in the West, and Worshipful Brother Reb Monaco in the South.  Other officers, members, and visitors present are recorded in the Tiler’s register. Treasurer John Densem, Secretary Loren McKechnie, Chaplain Ray E. Hill IVth, Sr. Deacon Robert Robbins PM, Jr. Deacon Charles E. Baylacq, Marshal Jack Swallow, Sr. Steward John Diemas, Jr. Steward Jesse Rodriquez, Tyler Charles Hewitt. The lodge entertained one new visitor, Brother Benny Contreas, of Las Palmas Ponderosa Lodge in Fresno Ca. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the master.



H.O.M.E Homeless shelter project: Brother JD Dimas delivered the donated Washer & Dryer Machine to the shelter, and they expressed their sincere gratitude for our assistance and donation.


We received an application for affiliation from Brother Brian Vanderpool, a member of Salinas Lodge. It was read and accepted by the Lodge, to be voted upon at the August Stated Meeting.



A donation of $100 dollars was made by the Worshipful Master of Carmel Lodge no.680, who also happens to be our esteemed Past Master of Texas Lodge, and the most outstanding Sr. Deacon, Brother Robert Robbins.

The NET donation for our July Stated Meeting Breakfast was $240.

The following was due our Worshipful Master, for food costs related to the 1st degree for our Stated & Special 1st Degree Conferral, on July 8th. Two audited Receipts in the amount of $92.41 and $46.28.


The Worshipful Master recognized Brother Jose Salas Senior, for his 25 years in Masonry, and the Brethren rejoiced that he would assist his son, as he becomes a Freemason.

The Lodge was then called to refreshment, to recognize all the Past Masters in attendance.


The Lodge was closed in due form at 2:59pm, peace and harmony prevailing.

Respectfully Submitted,
Loren George McKechnie

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California

Kevin Herrick, Worshipful Master