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June 10th 2023 | Stated Meeting Minutes

The June 10th 2023 stated meeting of Texas Lodge no. 46 Free & Accepted Masons of California was opened upon the 325th Page of our Bible, Joshua, upon the first degree of Masonry in San Juan Bautista California, for the transaction of business.

This Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons opened at 10:08AM with Worshipful Brother Kevin Herrick PM in the East, Worshipful Brother Richard Bartlett in the West, and Worshipful Brother Raymond E. Hill IV in the South.  Other officers, members, and visitors present are recorded in the Tiler’s register.

The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the master, followed by the singing of the National Anthem accompanied by Worshipful Robert Wilson PM on the Piano.

Sidenote: If you have not heard the story of how Francis Scott Key penned the words to this song, about the event on September 13, 1814, you must! Please watch this video at the link.



Widows Committee: Brother Charles Hewitt attempted to contact the 22 names of Texas Lodge Widows and was able to communicate with 5 of them. Unanimous sentiments expressed excitement to hear from the Lodge, and recalled fondness of their time at the Lodge. They expressed interest in the Trestleboard and wanted to stay connected to us. Explanations of our digital Trestleboard and Meeting Minutes were shared. Mail copies will be provided to those who request direct mail. The Master proposed we might find room in our budget to send them Seasonal Gift Baskets, and Worshipful Reb Monaco suggested we might hold a Ladies Luncheon for them.

Secretaries Report:

The Secretary provided a list of 3 Brothers who have not paid their bills, and was provided to the retention committee. One Brother immediately jumped forth and paid the dues for a Brother who was his employee and had done so before. Another who just happened to be in Lodge also paid his dues.


Hall Association Report: 

The Hall Association CFO conveyed the following: Budget actuals YTD through May were, $6,850 income and $2,985 expense. It is forecast to end the year with a $20 surplus. New property insurance is $3,900. (Due in July) A transfer of funds from the Lodge to he hall for this purpose was approved. Charles Baylacq Moved, and Robert Robbins 2nd the motion all Brothers in attendance approved with an “Aye, Vote”.

A Committee Meeting was held, and the following addressed.

  1. A Market Rate Assessment for our Rental Rate may be desired, as some believe Rent as a primary way of supporting the Lodge may be below market rate.
  2. Fire Escapes were tested, and found to be in good order.
  3. Fence and Driveway Gate are in much need of repair.
  4. Roof Leak in the kitchen near the stairs needs addressing
  5. General Cleaning needs to be done
  6. Elevator/Chair lift was once again explored, and horror stories about other Lodge’s “Electric Chairs” were shared. Stories of Inspections, Service and Billings of Travel time from Fresno to inspect it, nickel and diming the lodge were received.

A Yard Work Team was elected, consisting of:

  1. Jessie Dimas
  2. Robert Robbins PM
  3. Matt Lebaron
  4. Charles Hewitt
  5. Ray. E. Hill IV PM
  6. Kevin Herrick PM
  7. Richard Bartlett PM


The Following applicants were voted in, and approved to receive degrees or affiliate


Man Cave Sale:



The Lodge was presented, moved, seconded, and approved the following audited bills:

Pass the Hat for Jobs Daughters  who were doing a fundraiser, for ladies who could not afford to attend some of their events. The masters hat was passed around the lodge room, and $234 dollars was found therein.


The Hiram award for 2023

The Master presented the Brethren a great oration on the History and Values behind the Hiram Award. He noted, “this task is one of the most challenging things a Master can do.”

The Master then stated “Who am I to judge one Brother over another, as so many Texas Lodge Brothers embody the values of a Hiram Award Winner”.

But he also explained that some feel the Hiram Award is something of a “Merit Badge” a “congressional medal of honor”, that certain Ego’s might seek out, or be offended if they did not receive it.

The Master expounded on his pensiveness to judge, and a fear of upsetting those who might seek out his award. He continued to explain that the core tenants of this award require it is given to those who give themselves to the craft, without seeking recognition or demanding anything in return, because they truly exhibit the behavior of a true mason, living the tenants of Relief, Truth and Hope.

The Master then stated, “I knew I chose the correct recipient when I called him, and he said “I don’t know what to say,  I am speechless, I have no idea why you chose me.” If he had responded with “Finally, I have been doing so much around here” the Master stated he “would have known he chose the wrong Brother.”

The master reviewed a long list of selfless actions he had taken, to step up and help the Brothers of Texas Lodge.

A few of these actions are listed below.


A moment of silence in Memoriam was observed for the passing of a Brother

Loyal L. Stark
Grand Orator 2010-2011
Grand Marshal 1991-1992
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons
of the State of California

Born March 24, 1935
Entered into rest May 25, 2023


The Lodge was closed in due form at 12:33pm, peace and harmony prevailing.

Respectfully Submitted,
Loren George McKechnie

Secretary of Texas Lodge no.46 F. & A.M. of California

Kevin Herrick, Worshipful Master